Year round air gateway for the Strait region/Western Cape Breton

The Allan J Airport.

when it comes to opportunity - the sky is the limit!

Watching the Snow Birds perform in May 2018 at the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport was a first in Port Hastings history. Celtic Air Services organized and brought this airshow to life. This show brought together thousands of people from all over Nova Scotia, with thousands more able to watch from their very own homes in Strait Area communities located near this aerodrome.

On that cloudless day, people saw more than an air show. Witnessed was a vibrant and growing airport with a bright future full of new possibilities. The Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport Committee in partnership with Celtic Air Services are actively pursuing new growth potential, new partnerships, and new diversification opportunities.

It is vital that this year-round air gateway serving the air transportation needs of the Strait Region and Western Cape Breton has a long and sustainable future for airport users, stakeholders, citizens, and future airport-related developments.


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The airport’s early history in the 1970s was spurred on by political giant Allan J MacEachen. His vision was to establish air access for Western Cape Breton and the Strait Region with the installation of a year-round 24-7 airport gateway to service existing businesses and industries, and to attract more to the region.

Hector MacInnis also played a significant role in the early and ongoing development of the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport. MacInnis was Deputy Mayor of the Town of Port Hawkesbury for almost 37 years. From the airport’s inception, he worked closely with elected officials from the Counties of Inverness and Richmond to oversee the governance of the airport.

Photo by Port Hawkesbury photographer: Mary Hankey. The Snow Birds Air Show, Port Hastings, May 30, 2018

Photo by Port Hawkesbury photographer: Mary Hankey. The Snow Birds Air Show, Port Hastings, May 30, 2018


The Port Hastings location was strategically chosen by MacEachen to compliment the primary road and sea transportation gateway of the Island of Cape Breton (Strait of Canso Causeway). This location also serves as central access to the “Quad-counties” (Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness, and Richmond).

As history would have it, Port Hastings, Inverness County, was chosen by MacEachen in the early 1970s based on geography and regional growth and development relevant to that era. Today, it continues to be the best location for regional air access and as the Strait Area/Western Cape Breton air gateway.

The Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport is located 5km from the primary road and sea gateway to Cape Breton / Unama’ki Island - the iconic Strait of Canso Causeway.

The Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport is located 5km from the primary road and sea gateway to Cape Breton / Unama’ki Island - the iconic Strait of Canso Causeway.


Decades of Municipal Partnership

the Municipality of the County of Inverness, the Municipality of the County of Richmond, with the Town of Port Hawkesbury have partnered to both govern and fund this year-round regional airport.

A “transportation hub” of year-round rail, road, port, and air access is integral to serve the diverse transportation needs of the Strait region, and to retain and attract business and industry, now and in the future.

the Town of Port Hawkesbury holds the deed to the allan j maceachen regional airport in good faith - as it serves and benefits the entire Strait Region and western Cape Breton.

the airport committee membership and airport ownership are in review. discussions will occur with first Nation communities and other neighboring municipalities regarding the airport’s future.

As the airport grows - so too will partnerships with local governments, stakeholders and citizens. collaboration is key to a strong sustainable future for the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport.

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Airport Committee Membership. 

The Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport Committee includes membership of elected officials from the Municipality of the County of Inverness, the Municipality of the County of Richmond, with the Town of Port Hawkesbury. Also included are senior staff from each of the three municipalities, as well as the airport manager(s)/operator(s).

There have been several discussions about expanding committee membership to other First Nation and Municipalities as well. Representatives from Potlotek and We’koqma’q were invited to participate on the Allan J MacEachen Airport Committee. More invitations will be extended as discussions about the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport’s future continue.

The Airport Committee is the main governing body that has been in place for many decades. At present, the Airport Committee meets approximately 4-6 times per year (and more frequently as needed) to collaboratively review operations, approve spending and set annual budgets for the airport.

Municipal Funding. 

Historically, the Allan J Airport required significant subsidies from the partner municipalities for ongoing annual operations (up to $40,000 per municipality). The ability to plan and maintain operations is at the discretion of the “airport committee” - however, the corresponding regional Municipal Councils are responsible for approving each Municipal unit’s budgetary airport contribution.

For decades, the Airport Committee members did their best to oversee the airport operations, and the Municipal Councils did their best to subsidize the airport operations. Also, when necessary, the Municipal Councils approved funding needed for infrastructure upkeep/replacement.

Ultimately, the main focus for the three partnering municipalities was to keep the air asset open and operational all year-round. During this time, no shared budget amounts were allotted for depreciation of assets, for marketing, or for pursuing new opportunities/future developments.

Committee Priorities. 

Priorities and decisions made by the Airport Committee involve discussions and decisions related to the daily operations of the airport, facilities and runway maintenance needs, management, marketing, budget reviews, and approval of operational costs funded from the Allan J MacEachen Capital Reserve Account.

Oftentimes, recommendations of significance are moved forward to the Town of Port Hawkesbury Council for decision. Such was the case with the name change, and for finalizing contracts related to the asset. For example, a decision to consider a new ownership model for the Allan J MacEachen Airport gateway, once recommended by the Airport Committee, will need to be approved by the Town of Port Hawkesbury Council.

The Airport turned a corner in 2012. the airport committee, as well as the participating municipalities noticed a change.



In 2012, the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport had an increased number of private jet landings, primarily the result of tourism growth. More private jet traffic meant more jet fuel sales. It created a significant revenue stream for the Allan J Airport and demonstrated new growth potential in the tourism sector. This growth attracted a new service provider who wanted to further expand and diversify the airport for tourism. Learn More

Alternately, the increase in jet fuel sales offset the daily operations expense to the three partnering municipalities. As a result, municipal annual subsidies were reduced.

This growth has allowed the Allan J MacEachen Regional Airport to self-sustain the cost of operating year-round. This is extremely positive to the municipal funding partners who subsidized the airport for decades to accommodate essential services like air ambulance, Ground Search and Rescue, Department of Natural Resources and other public and private air stakeholders.  

Our partner municipalities can instead focus on infrastructure and technology upgrades to accommodate the new growth at the airport, as well as to explore new opportunities for growth.

The Allan J Maceachen Airport Committee is proud to see multiple decades of partnership and collaboration resulting in the growth of this air gateway serving western cape breton and the strait region.


On behalf of the Allan J MacEachen Airport Committee and airport stakeholders, the Town of Port Hawkesbury applied in 2014 and 2017 for infrastructure funding assistance to cost-share needed upgrades. Both funding applications were unsuccessful. We will continue to look for leveraging opportunities to grow the Allan J Airport for necessary infrastructure upgrades, repairs, technology requirements, future growth opportunities, and more. 

Continuing this trajectory of growth means we need our Provincial and Federal Governments to partner and invest in this vital regional air gateway.

Future partnerships and growth will require collaboration from all levels of government, First Nation leadership, citizen engagement, local, regional and provincial stakeholder groups, and public and private airport users.

We can grow this Airport TOGETHER.

Please share your support, feedback, concerns, and ideas for the future for this vital air gateway.

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